What You Can Do

You know to dial 911 any time there’s a threat to life or property — but you also can:

1) Submit crime tips to the Police

You can submit a tip online or by email.  Include as many details as you can, such as the physical address and names of any known persons. You can include photos and/or video. If you want the Police to contact you, add your contact information.

2) Attend Public Meetings with 3rd District Police Leaders

Twice each month, the 3rd District Police convene two public meetings at which the Community Crime Bulletin is reviewed and discussed. These public meetings are posted on QVNA’s Event CalendarResidents and business owners are encouraged to attend.

3) Register your outdoor security camera in SafeCam

Online registration is simple, taking about 10 minutes to complete the three steps.

Why register your camera? You may be able to assist police investigations that occur in the vicinity of your security camera.

There is no cost associated with registration and your information is confidential. You may delete your registration at any time.

4) Register your burglar alarm

Philly requires all burglar alarms to be registered and imposes a $50 annual registration fee. Download the registration form or call (215) 567-2605 to request a form by mail.

5) Don’t let packages, mail and newspapers collect on your doorstep

Please have UPS and FedEx packages delivered to a location where it is kept safe until you can pick it up.  If you’re out of town, stop newspaper delivery and ask a trust neighbor to remove anything that collects on your doorstep.

6) For more safety tips 

Our 3rd District Police recommend several useful tips to help keep you, your family and your property safe.