QVNA Grants

QVNA’s Grants Committee reviews each applicant’s proposed project based on its capacity to improve the quality of life for Queen Village residents. Committee members are Queen Village residents. Their volunteer contributions play an important role in our community.

QVNA’s Grants Committee, working within the Board-approved grant budget, determines which grant applications are accepted for funding and the amount of each grant. The committee then presents its recommendations to the Board for its approval.

See a completed sample grant application to get an idea of what a successful grant application looks like here.

Apply for the Spring 2025 Grant cycle by April 4 to be considered! Please contact Louis Bartholomew at louis@qvna.org or 215.339.0975 if you have any questions.

Community Grant Program

Our Community Grant Program is another tangible example of how the association lives our mission: QVNA provides community stewardship, advocacy and service to help improve quality of life for Queen Village residents.

Do you have an idea for an initiative or activity to improve the quality of life in Queen Village? Whether you're a small nonprofit or a group of concerned neighbors, make sure to apply for the QVNA Grant Program! Grants are disbursed each year to community groups and residents, ranging from awards of $500 to $5000.

The members of the grants committee include:

Kathy Dilonardo – Chair
, Matt Atkins
, Samantha Giuliano & 
Mike McPhilmy

QVNA opens two grant application windows each year (in March and September). Each four-week window is when QVNA accept applications.  QVNA announces when a window is open in our  eNews and on Facebook and Instagram. At that time, the grant application for that particular window are made available online. See a typical application HERE.


Who can apply for a community grant?

Groups of neighbors who are planning a project to improve the neighborhood and are committed to completing it; “Friends of” groups; community gardens; schools; facilities and organizations that impact Queen Village and its residents.

What types of projects or programs can be funded through a community grant?

We accept grant applications for a wide range of projects and programs, such as enhancing parks, gardens, playgrounds, clean & green projects, block beautification, and historic preservation. We also accept grant applications for in-school, after-school, and summer academic and/or learning enrichment programs.

How are applications evaluated?

The QVNA Grants Committee evaluates applications based on the:

  1. Degree to which the proposed project meets a community need

  2. Clarity of the project description;

  3. Budget detail that reflects well-defined needs and reasonable costs; and

  4. Capacity of applicant organization to complete the project.

What is the process for grants to be approved?

QVNA’s Grants Committee makes funding recommendations to QVNA’s Board of Directors.  The Board must approve the Committee’s recommendations before grant funding is made available.  All applicants will notified of funding decisions prior to any public announcement.

What happens after a grant is awarded?

Grant recipients have twelve months to use (or lose) grant funding in accordance with the terms of the QVNA Grants Agreement signed by the grant recipient. A copy of the standard QVNA Grants Agreement that outlines all recipient responsibilities can be found here.