Want 6,000 neighbors to learn more about your business?
The QV Crier is distributed electronically and in-print throughout the Village.
Ad Placement:
Three premium ad positions
Two-page spread ad positions for cooperative advertising
Ad positioning within or next to editorial
Eight ad sizes to choose from
Print Magazine – 4,000 copies:
3,000 delivered directly to residents at their homes
1,000 distributed retail throughout the quarter: at coffee bars, stores, restaurants and magazine boxes (while supplies last)
Online Magazine – QVNA.org/crier :
All ads hyperlinked the advertiser’s URL
Promoted on QVNA’s website, social media, and regular eNews subscribers (3,500+)
Not on our email list for advertisers? Click here to subscribe
Next Steps
Step 1: Select the size of your ad. Options listed below.
Step 2: Submit your ad to info@qvna.org.
Ad Sizes
Need a recommendation for a graphic designer to create your ad? Email info@qvna.org.*
*Graphic designers are independent from QVNA and may require an additional fee.