Settling In? Things to do in your first few months

Get to Know the South Street Headhouse District

One of the greatest things about living in Queen Village is our access to South Street. South Street runs approximately 14 blocks and is lined with nearly 400 shops, bars, restaurants, theaters, galleries, and antique stores. There is something for everyone, from unique boutiques to bespoke apparel stores on Fabric Row. With events going on every week in the district, there is no shortage of fun happening in this neighborhood.

Learn More on the South Street Headhouse District Website here.

No Need to Worry about Parking in Queen Village!

QVNA offers Covered Off-Street Parking for Only $150 per Month!

Located at Front & Christian Streets, our lot offers below-market rates and supports many of the services we provide the neighborhood.

This includes beautifying our parks and green spaces, neighborhood grants, youth programming, advocating for residents, and more!

So stop driving around looking for parking and help your neighborhood in the process! You do not need to be a Queen Village resident to reserve a space. Sign up here.

Here’s Your Guide to Getting Your Residential Parking Permit:

What You Need:

  1. Driving License

  2. Your lease or utility bill in your name

  3. Proof of Vehicle Registration

Fill out this form.

Finally, send in your form, payment, and supporting documents.

  • Apply via mail, ensuring all supporting documentation are copied.

    • Pay by check or money order.

  • Apply in person at 35 N. 8th Street to apply.

    • Pay using a money order, check, or credit card.

Learn More About Applying for A Parking Permit and Fees here.

Plant A Tree in Our Neighborhood

We at QVNA appreciate the time put into beautification from our residents. One of Queen Village’s unique assets is the neighborhood tree cover. Here are some helpful resources to learn how to plant a street tree.

We recommend hiring a private contractor who will take care of everything to help get you your tree. As a bonus you can get your tree a whole lot faster. Get help finding a private tree contractor by contacting the Street Tree Contractor Management Division at

Did you know that the city has a Free Street Tree program?

The Philadelphia Horticultural Society has a free street tree program. All you have to do is fill out this application.

Did You Know You Could Get A Free Storm Barrel or Subsidized Downspout Planter?

The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society and the Philadelphia Water Department collaborated to regulate storm water throughout the city.

  • What does that signify for locals? Free rain barrels, a useful tool for cleaning pavement and watering plants, and subsidized downspout planters spruce up the outside of your house and keep the city's sewer system from overflowing.

  • Learn More to see if Rain Check is right for you at this website.

  • Sign Up For a Rain Check Workshop here.

Rain Barrel Diagram provided by the Philadelphia Water Department

Downspout Planter Diagram provided by the Philadelphia Water Department

Tired of circulars polluting your sidewalk?

Shortly after you move in, you might discover that local businesses send you a fair number of circulars, coupons, and takeout menus. Occasionally, these materials wind up as garbage on your sidewalk.

Fill out this form and return it to the Department of Licenses and Inspections if you want to no longer receive them. Place the circular-free sticker at eye level from the street in a conspicuous spot (such a door or mailbox) as soon as you receive it in the mail.

Lastly, here’s your Queen Village Bucket List:

A list of things to do to become an “official” Queen Village Resident:

  1. Take A Historic Stroll through Queen Village: Discover historic locations like the Gloria Dei Church or check out the river view from the Delaware River Waterfront.

  2. Visit Fabric Row on S 4th Street: Explore South 4th Street's Fabric Row, which is renowned for its unique shops, boutiques, and fabric stores. It's a terrific location to find handmade crafts, vintage apparel, and distinctive textiles.

  3. Hungry? Grab A Bite from a Local Spot: When in South Philly, get a cheesesteak. Our neighborhood is the home of famous cheesesteak restaurants like Jim’s South St. - Ishkabibble’s. Try out some other neighborhood classics such as Crybaby Pasta or New Wave Cafe.

  4. Check out all of the Amazing Queen Village Neighborhood Parks: Enjoy a fun day in the park with the family. Queen Village offers a selection of parks from Mario Lanza Park, Jefferson Square Park, Shot Tower, Weccacoe Playground, Beck Park, Moyamensing Point, and more.

  5. Explore the QVNA Events Page: No need to look anywhere else for inspiration for your nights out or days off with the QVNA Events page. QVNA has organized a wide range of events for residents to check out.