Police Safety Tips
1) Personal Safety
Be aware of your surroundings, especially at night, and particularly when in front of your residence during late night hours.
At night, keep your mobile phone close at hand.
Do not get distracted from your surroundings by talking or texting on your mobile phone.
2) Family Safety
Your home:
Lock your doors and windows and invest in a security system and a video camera.
Don’t leave a second set of house keys in your car.
Lock your gun:
The City of Philadelphia will give you a FREE gun lock, no questions asked. Pick one up at the front desk of the Sheriff’s Office on the 5th Floor of 100 S. Broad Street between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm, or call 215-686-3572. Learn about safe gun storage options here.
3) Avoid being carjacked
Before entering your car:
Always have your keys in hand when approaching your car.
Be alert to activity near your car.
Pay attention to your surroundings.
Before entering your car, walk around it checking handles, lock and, and back seat.
If someone is loitering near your unoccupied car as you approach it, keep walking until they leave.
When in your car:
Keep your doors locked.
Never leave your car running unattended.
Carry your mobile phone and keep it charged in your car.
When stopping in traffic, leave enough distance between your car and the one in front of you so you can pull away if necessary.
If another driver bumps your car, or your tire goes flat, keep your doors and windows closed, call the Police, and wait for the Police to arrive or drive slowly to the nearest Police Station.
When at a drive-up ATM:
If someone is loitering near the ATM as you approach it, keep driving.
Stay alert to your surroundings, don’t be distracted on your mobile phone.
If you are confronted, don’t resist.
Avoid robbery when leaving your car:
Use a steering wheel locking device.
Do not leave any valuables visuals, especially loose change or electronics.
Take your keys and lock your doors.
Do not leave an extra set of house keys or car keys in your car.
When using a public parking garage, only leave the ignition key to your vehicle with the attendant.